Monday, September 16, 2013

The power of good-bye...

Sometimes, life forces you to cut your losses and go.

Sometimes there are people in your life that you love, but you just have to stop helping and giving everything to and let them go off on their own path because you know that they will never grow or progress if you don't.

Sometimes there are people in your life who have hurt you so deeply that only time and space, of indeterminate amounts, will allow you to heal enough to start rebuilding a relationship.

Sometimes you really get to a place beyond blame, to a place of resolve in which you know what you need to do... no matter how hard.

There comes a point in parenting where you just have to let go, and hope the scraping of the butt in the gravel isn't too hard.

There are some voids that can only be filled by the hard lessons in life, not by anything given to you, wheedled out of others, or by blaming others. They can only be filled from within.

Sometimes the truest love you can show another is by being true to yourself.

Letting paths diverge in love.

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