Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Approaching change and finding things to do...

Change. nickels, dimes, transitions, breaking life from dollars into smaller component parts... random thoughts flitting through my head today.

I was stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle most of the way to work today... and I started to get annoyed and then realized that I had plenty of time, so I chose a path of calm acceptance rather than the path I'd started down.  Which made me extrapolate to other situations in life... like the kids living in the basement and being seemingly unable to keep their messes to themselves.  They annoy the ever living daylights out of me, but... I cannot change my basic emotional response to that, but I CAN choose what I actually do about it.  And using the old "acting as if" technique really does help you change your emotional response.

This is a toughie for me, though.  I have almost always been a cluttered person, but I have never been filthy... and one of the people I am sharing my home with rises to that level, not so much in terms of personal hygiene but environmentally.  So combine the way I have always been with the good habits I finally learned while living alone in Texas for a year, it is very hard.

So in the meantime, I will find things to do... things are easier to deal with if you have something you can do to fill it.  I remember in nursing school, one of the principles in mental health nursing is that you don't remove someone's addiction/fixation/etc. without replacing it with SOMETHING.  And often when people are stressed, positively or negatively, or in a middle space like the meantime, they need to fill it with something.  So I am choosing to focus on my packing and cleaning and running and knitting and spinning and writing...  I prefer these pursuits anyway, they make me feel less stressed.  I am also working on lists of things to do and things to pack and things to remember until I can firm up my timeline.  It gives me things to fill this funny space between where I have been and where I am going.

I am expecting a phone call today, sometime, to get this ball rolling.  As I said in the other blog, they are waiting to hammer out the $$ end to make me the actual offer... so to all intents and porpoises (yes that was intentional), I have the job... it's just waiting to get the devils out of the details.  So more sitting in the meantime, luckily it's been a busy day, that helps a great deal.

In the meantime, I will continue to Push That Knot Away...

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