Thursday, September 5, 2013

Moving into September... and on beyond zebra...

Yeah, you would think that I'd already be moving myself mentally into September... but it's been a strange week and a very slow transition due to a lot of factors. 1) I feel rather like I'm in limbo waiting to get the job offer I have been told is coming. I checked on progress via e-mail the other day, but they are still hashing out money. 2) It's been a weird energy week at work, yesterday felt very much like Friday when it was actually only our 2nd day of work. I still can't believe I have tomorrow to get through. 3) Knowing that I will be moving soon, everything is in motion, but not knowing the timeline. 4) Being so freaking tired this week despite actually getting much better sleep than last week.

So it's sort of like that rocking chair that keeps you busy but doesn't get you anywhere. It would be helpful if I hadn't been so tired this week so far. Running helps a lot, be it on a treadmill or on the road. I mayn't be going anywhere, but I am moving, which helps so many things stay in perspective and burns off a lot of nervous energy. Last night was the doughnut orgy, which turned more into an exercise of self administered aversion therapy. I am really looking forward to my salad at lunch. I am sure the doughnuts were a reaction to the limbo-stress.

I guess the good thing is that I know that I am in limbo and that I am stressed because of it. So I can do something with the stress, though sometimes it will devolve into doughnut orgies. My current plan includes continuing to pack and sort piles of old crap... and to start slowly removing personal things from my office. At least I will feel like I'm moving something. Leading us right back to a previous blog of giving those with addictions something to do, and pretty much the same when people feel like they need to do something... rather than leaving them helpless, give them something to do... like knitting, giving blood, or donating money... pretty much anything that can make them feel less helpless. So I am trying do find my own "something" to do.

The real question now is... if I hear that Washington County, Oregon wants me to come for a 2nd interview and I've not heard from Seattle yet... should I go? My gut says yes, even though the chances of NOT getting the Seattle job are very small at this point. They have told me point blank that an offer is coming, but it's a union job and they are in budget cycle negotiations.

I am happy about the prospect of joining a union. The thought of paying someone to help safeguard my rights as a worker is amazing, rather than just taking what the employer is willing to give within the bounds of the law. It's a concept that people have forgotten, sadly. However, I think the pendulum on that may be starting to swing the other way... with all the WalMart and fast food protests for a living wage, we can only hope. I know that I personally prefer to shop in places where I know the company actually values the little guys working for them and pay/treat them accordingly. Hence I avoid WalMart and many other companies as much as I can... and will spend a little more, knowing that the people helping me are okay and not just modern slave labor.

So today, I'll leave with an obscure, but favorite song of mine...

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