Friday, September 13, 2013

And the dam broke...

My official job offer came in Thursday night, September 5th. The offer was 5% over what I was hoping for on the top end. So, for that, and so many other reasons, I had no hesitation in accepting the job. It was all contingent upon a background check, but I found out that I sailed through that process. So now I am waiting for my official hire letter.

I have also sent off my fingerprint cards for my Washington State Nursing license. It would be better if Washington was a nurse compact state but it's not, so the hoops must be jumped through. I have pretty much sent that off and it's out of my hands. It remains for me to pack, sort, and generally get ready to leave on 8th October.

I have tendered my resignation here at Callaway County as of last week. I have contacted the Army unit up in Washington. I am even looking at apartments online. The complex I like the look of the best even has a 1 bedroom apartment available. So I will take a tour and hopefully get the leasing taken care of quickly.

I am now down to 9 more days left of work here and then I'll have a week or so to get things together to leave. I am cleaning out my office and filling boxes with stuff. Amazing amounts of crap have built up in here over 7 years.

But I want to make this break as cleanly as I possibly can. I have been feeling weighed down by things, by life, by routine for a long time. I want to separate the wheat from the chaff, as they say and I want as little detritus go go with me. I am tired of carry so much baggage of the past... in terms of relationships and everything else. I need a place to start over. I think Texas was the catalyst of me realizing what I needed to do. Coming home was very difficult, I could not fit into the role I left or the one that was expected of me. It was like I grew new appendages, I would call them wings... and so the old anything was an awkward fit at best. I loved being in a place where I could answer mostly to myself. I found parts of myself that I lost and I couldn't come back home with the way things are and be any semblance of comfortable or happy.

So now I set off on a new adventure...

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