Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Examining the rocks... day 2 of whatever this is.

Woke up early… with some things really coming clear in my head. Today is going to be an angry day, I think. I woke up thinking about that training issue. So I will try to be constructive about what I think a good training system is and isn’t…. and then I will look at what I just went through.

At the outset, any training plan needs to have general goals undergirded by specific, measurable goals and benchmarks with general timelines. And the only way to make this work is to have clear, unbiased communication.

Here’s what happened to me… I was given a general checklist of things that “I was expected to be able to do by 6 months”. I had to fight to get clear benchmarks with measurable goals, but didn’t get them until 2 months in. So I was already behind the 8 ball in behind in trying to reach the goals that had been set out. I thought I was starting to “get it” only to find the goalposts had not only moved, they had been removed and replaced… all the stuff I’d been working to master no longer counted. I was also given other goals to achieve, which I understood needed to be completed by the 6 month point… but I only started being given additional things to master a few weeks ago. And yet, ostensibly, I was fired for not meeting standards.

In addition, instead of an ongoing dialogue about how I was doing… I would be told I was doing fine when I would ask and then get slammed in training meetings. Things would be “getting better” but they would still be vulturing over me. At some point in training a person you have to let go and let them make mistakes… that is what training is for.

In this passive-aggressive atmosphere it was nearly impossible for me to succeed. It was uncomfortable from very early on. So honestly, yesterday’s events really weren’t all that surprising… I just honestly thought I would have had more warning.

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