Wednesday, February 19, 2014

And yes, they threatened my nursing license too…

I didn't put this out there so publicly, but now that it has come to naught, I feel it needs to be stated.  Not only did I get fired from the most toxic job I have ever held, I also had a cloud hanging over my nursing license, they really couldn't just let me go in peace, they had to make the special torture last with one last threat.

When I was canned, they told me that they had filed a complaint against my nursing license with reassurance that “these things rarely get investigated or become anything.” The reasoning they gave is that they had to cover the county in case of liability. I also spoke to the union representative who said that they used to do reports on nearly every nurse’s license and that she had to send them the state regulations and tell them to cool it.  What this tells me is that they have quite a history of filing BS complaints… and the next thing that pops up in my mind is “The why do it?!”

I think that “Why” question is the one that really sticks in my craw.  With as personal as the firing was, it just seems like it’s another way for them to twist the knife and feel like they have power.  There is also an element of them playing C.Y.A. and trying to convince the world that their feces is odorless and made of solid gold…. and that they train people well too!  No matter the reason, I have more pity than anger for them. 

The reason I was given for the complaint was a vague “you gave wrong information over the phone” to someone on 2 occasions.  I have acknowledged my mistakes all along.  I’m not perfect, and they said I didn't have to be perfect, while the unspoken subtext was that I did have to be perfect. One of these occasions I remember and I called to correct the situation as soon as I was aware of it.  The other one, I really don’t know.  However, the letter I got from the state yesterday said, “The Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission received a report about an alleged failure to satisfactorily learn and perform duties as a public health nurse.  After careful consideration of the information received the Nursing Commission decided not to investigate because there was no violation of nursing law and it is considered an employer-employee issue.”  That is rather different, IMNSHO.

Unfortunately, I have had to mark “yes” on some job applications when asked about complaints against my license.  I had to be honest. However it shows that their petty, vindictive action has had some lasting effects that may have cost me some interviews. I cannot prove or disprove this, any more than I can about my being in the military being part of the reason that I was fired.  I just don’t understand what exactly would make a person or organization act in this manner unless it was warranted.  The good news is that I can now answer that question “no” on future applications.

Because of everything that I survived in that 3 ½ months, I am a bit bumped and bruised, but I will heal and I will prevail. They cannot take my dignity, they cannot take my soul.  They tried to tear down everything that was important to me, because they didn't “approve” of something… who I was, where I was from, my Army service, perhaps my very existence on the planet… I will never know.  In almost every situation I have done fine with people using my quirky charm, even those I haven’t liked a whole lot… but this was the rare instance and for whatever reason, there was no way I would have or could have ever fit into their special little corner of hell.  For those who have known me a long time, I will say that given a choice, I would return to the dining hall at Rhein-Main before I would the Seattle King County Public Health Department… the latter of which has earned the special distinction of being the worst job I have ever had.
I know I’m stronger for the experience.  I also know what is important to me.  I will take the gifts and walk away.

Please be kind to yourself and others.  Gentleness and compassion go a lot farther than vindictiveness and revenge.

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