Thursday, November 7, 2013

My belated first week reflections...

It's funny, but I have come to a realization that I have been a Leftcoaster stuck in a Missourian's body for awhile now. I've always been on the liberal side of the fence politically, but I think 5 years of living in Europe only intensified that.
Make no mistake, I love my home state... so much that I practically have clear Ozark streams for blood. But the Missouri I loved is not the Missouri I left. Granted, I grew up in the St Louis area, the daughter of a Teamster truck driver... so it was more common to have liberals around in that time and place. However, overall I remember Missouri being a generally "small c" conservative place, ruled by common sense and not reactionary fervor. I still have many friends in Missouri who feel the same as I do
Since my return from mobilization to Texas, I knew I wouldn't be staying in Missouri much longer. I felt like I had my wings clipped when I returned home.  Something just had to give.  I enjoyed being home in some ways, but not so much in others.  I felt cramped and confined and invaded.  I got used to having personal space and time, but those were pretty much non-existent.
So now I have come to Seattle.  I have been here a week and almost 2 days and completed my first day of work.  Today I went to the grocery store, I was struck by 2 things... the amazing selection of energy bars like Lara, Clif, etc.  I found some on sale cheap... they will make good work snacks.  But also, the employees were talking about the schedule for the picket lines and how they are going to have to use savings to live during the strike that starts tomorrow.  Strikes and unions were a reality of my childhood.  Having a dad who was union member and a shop steward made me more keenly aware of the issues growing up... not just the inconvenience that it causes some people.  And now, I'm a union member for the first time in my life... and that awareness is reawakened. It won't be as easy or cheap to get groceries, but I won't cross the picket line.  Solidarity is the only way that unions work.... especially from other union members.
It is a different world up here and a much different life.  I am in no  way complaining... for my first week in this new world, I feel content and am anxious for Mark to get up here so we can begin this life together.  It's still an adventure, and the reality will start settling in once I get into my apartment this coming Saturday. It will be another busy Saturday, I will get my keys, move my Maxine stuff in and get my internet turned on and wait for the IKEA delivery guys to show up.
I have also discovered that part of the "commuter uniform" is a travel mug of coffee, often Starbucks.  Also Starbucks is almost a religion of sorts up here.  Even though they are all over the place, they are all busy.  And if there isn't a Starbucks, there is some sort of coffee kiosk... it's the culture. Good thing I like coffee.  There is even a coffee place on the first floor of the building that I work in.  They must make a pretty penny from King County employees simply due to their location... and you can only get in from inside the building if you have a county badge with access chip.  (Yeah, I have that AND I have used it, tyvm.)  
I like it up here... even the weather isn't getting me down, mainly because on most days we have some sun, usually in the afternoon.  This weeked broke that trend though, it was supposed to be warmer, and sunny, but we just didn't quite get there.
Another observation... at the mall yesterday, I noticed that half the 12 venues in the food court are Asian.  Good Pho place too!  I loves me some noodle soup!!  I also found the coolest little store with Japanese stuff.  I bought a pair of chopsticks for work that come in their own case, some little tupperware type containers for side sauces, a very nice little phone stylus/pen & a bottle of Calpico (yum).
There is just so much to see and do and explore here, it's unreal.  I may have to start going to roller derby since that seems to be the big thing too.  James photographs it, two of my co-workers have daughters in the Jr Leagues and one of them is even a ref.  So it's huge.
At work, I am already finding that they are fun people.  From the window at the end of my row, we can see right across I-5 into a wooded area that is inhabited by homeless people.  My fellows have made spreadsheets of how many tents have gone up, how long they have stayed, and how long it has taken them to return after an enforced removal. On my first day or two, there apparently had been an enforcement.  By Wednesday there was one tent already back up... by Thursday it was 5, and we were holding at 5 as of COB Friday.  I believe the record is 9 tents, IIRC.
Then there was the whole "make it awesomer" fun.  It was more of a "you had to be there moment"... but suffice it to say, it was hiliarious... and our entire department catch phrase is now 'make it awesomer'!  
So far so good. Yesterday was "getting stuff done day"... I managed to get my Washington Driver's License (and become registered to vote and an organ donor at the same time), get my cable & internet ready to go, get my deposit and first month's rent paid, and get my huge furniture, etc. buy done at IKEA & delivery arranged.  So yeah... busy.  Today I laid low and made dinner for James & Liz... it's the least I can do for the help they are giving me.
I think this enough of a recap of of my first week, and a disjointed one at that.  


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