& Inconvenient Truths
200,000. Dead. Small by percentages as far as total US
population goes, but huge to those who have lost loved ones… in some cases,
almost entire families wiped out… only kids left behind… and the ongoing health
effects for the “long-haulers” and those with ongoing heart and memory problems.
And the incredibly high impact on communities of color makes COVID-19 even more
horrifying. Per the CDC, when compared to whites, the case rate for Black
communities is 2.6x higher, 2.8x higher for Native American populations and
Hispanic/Latino populations. Death rates are, 2.1x higher for Blacks, 1.4x
higher for for Native Americans, and 1.1x higher for Lantinx people.
But after the initial push in March for lockdowns and masks,
we pass the 200,000 dead mark with a blasé sigh and seemingly collective
national “Whatever”… unless you are out protesting masks and lockdowns as
against your rights. Nevermind, the concept of personal responsibility and
consideration for others, ie duty to society.
I am a former Public Health RN, I worked in a small county
health department in Missouri for 7 years, but continued funding cuts and
crappy pay finally forced me out of a job that I loved… and we saw people from
the community from birth to death almost. From the WIC program to immunizations
to injections for community members and so many other services, what we were
able to do diminished over time.
I was primarily the Communicable Disease nurse and did the
contact tracing for disease reports and outbreaks. When I see how the
Coronavirus Pandemic has been screwed up, I feel it deep in my soul. I know the
hard work of the invisible battlefront that nobody appreciates… and used to ask
where we were when things got bad. But Trump’s absent leadership now calls into
question the very function of public health from those who have no clue of its
vital role in healthy communities.
If you don’t know where the disease is coming from, who has
come into contact with the infected, or where they have been, controlling the
spread is nearly impossible. When messaging is muddled or incorrect, it further
diminishes the credibility of any advice, even from the most respected
institutions like the CDC. And we have lost any sense of civic duty, rather
like the Dear Leader.
So, thanks to the lack of national leadership on the
Coronavirus Pandemic, 200,000 is not so much a milestone as a speedbump at this
One of those inconvenient truths that Cheeto Mussolini likes
to obscure with other scandals, like he does.
The Inconvenient Truth is that we have long surpassed the
total number who died in every conflict from Vietnam to present (63,418) AND
World War 1 (116,541)… total 179,934… and taking out the 5 years of WW2 at
405,399, it took us 98 years to wipe out that many people in war. We lost an
estimated 675,000 to the 1918 Flu Pandemic. (https://tinyurl.com/yb9sz5e2) (https://tinyurl.com/y33v84me)
Or another way to look at it: it’s like the population of
Salt Lake City has disappeared over the last 6 months. But many of us are
lucky, because we are untouched by the heartbreak of this disease… often
because we are white. And these lives have been slipping away slowly, outside
our sphere of experience
And it’s not because whites live inherently better lives
than people of color, it’s because healthcare isn’t a right in this country and
accessibility and affordability is unequally distributed.
Racism is such a part of our entire governmental system, and
we have been divided to such a point as to make it impossible for poor people
of color to join with poor whites to fight together to make the system more
equitable for all of us.
The Dear Orange Leader has an evil cunning for manipulation.
As I wrote in 2016, “Trump is a master showman & fraudster
... He builds big shiny skyscrapers, casinos and hawks steaks, wine, his
“university”, clothing line, et cetera… All flashy, status-ey things with his
name slapped on them… but, truthfully, the core is hollow and the glitter is
just spray paint. …Then the spray paint & reality got conflated, and here
we are, unsure of objective reality vs. spray paint fumes. …Stuck in the
dystopian theme park we can’t leave.” (https://tinyurl.com/y5kbkbar)
His favorite “secret sauce”, if you will,
is racism. He knows he can play on the base fears of the rubes, but he doesn’t
care about them, unless he can squeeze more money out of them. Per Olivia
Troye, who served on the White House Coronavirus Task force, the president
said: “Maybe this Covid thing is a good thing. I don’t like shaking hands with
people. I don’t have to shake hands with these disgusting people.” (https://tinyurl.com/y39gpbau)
Additionally, he lives in a demented
fantasy world, one in which he believes he can obscure the rising death toll by
just talking his way out of it, or ignoring it, or obfuscating by creating
other scandals… he has managed to do for most of his life. He said repeatedly
that the virus would just go away and after said cases would drop from 15 to zero,
he started equating “a good job” to 50,000-60,000 deaths, then 100,000, etc.
Now he just says that he has done a great job and prevented “millions of
deaths.” He has also said that he takes no responsibility.
This is the same man who ridicules those
who wear masks and practice social distancing…. While packing crowds together
at venues all over the country… but at a recent appearance in Nevada, he
actually told a reporter that he doesn’t worry about catching coronavirus
because “I’m on a stage and it’s very far away”. He also told the same
reporter, “I’m more concerned about how close you are, to be honest.” (https://tinyurl.com/y5et7wsl) He expressed no concern for his followers packed illegally
into the privately own airplane hangar.
Trump is not particularly book-smart, but
has a twisted cunning, as mentioned earlier. In addition to his manipulative
cunning, he has a strong sense for self-preservation & short-term gain, but
no concept of long-term consequences or strategy. For months, controversy raged
about whether Trump understood the severity of COVID-19 and was thusly carelessly
bumbling along, but the Bob Woodward tape made it obvious that he DID know and
made a conscious choice to play the pandemic down, doing essentially nothing,
knowing that people would die…. all to preserve his image. Acting again purely
in the moment, again looking only at short-term gain. (https://tinyurl.com/yyhm86fb)
His conscious decision to let people die
coupled with his absolute disregard for those lives only leads to the
conclusion that there is something seriously wrong with him.
Trump does not care about anyone but
himself. People are the shit his money grows in (Ukrainian saying, Andrea
Chalupa, Gaslit Nation)… or an easy piggybank he can tap with his never-ending
The other part of his culpability in how
badly the Federal COVID response has been is how he knowingly disregarded the
roadmap left by the Obama/Biden administration, which was built on a sound
foundation created post-9/11 by the Bush II administration. But his absolute
narcissism, jealousy, and incurable malice against those who don’t kiss his
ring run through everything he does as well. So he put Jared Kushner in charge
of the response, and didn’t bat an eye blue states were left to fend for
themselves, because they refused to bow down to him.
Additionally, he delusionally thinks he
knows everything, including epidemiology. So with his “leadership”, real
scientists and scientific knowledge has been sidelined, ignored, blocked, or
covered up. And now he has Scott
Atlas, a radiologist, advising him about
a vastly different type of medicine. He’d probably be able to read an MRI and
tell us about Trump having deterioration in his brain, but he would only have
the most general knowledge of epidemiologic principles. Hint: neither herd
immunity nor herd mentality are sound plans right now.
Trump has created, in-effect, a
slow-moving genocide of the inconvenient, no gas chambers required. Ironically,
many of those likely to die are his own supporters.
As of 16 September 2020, per Rachel Maddow, there were about 6.6 million cases and almost 198,000 dead. And Trump’s “herd immunity” (read as: genocide) strategy will see approximately 215 million – 231 million Americans infected (65-70% of total population). Our current fatality rate is 2.97% of those infected and if that follows, we can expect 6,385,500 – 6,860,700 deaths. (https://youtu.be/UVfxjS1DnBc).
Trump and his sycophants have decided
that over 6 million of us are expendable.
The Inconvenient truth is that it didn’t
have to be this way.
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