Monday, March 10, 2014

The Lump in my Throat

It catches in my throat
A hate I cannot swallow
             or spit out

It's like a hardened ball of phlegm
Independent of myself
I feel it   -AND-   see it

A concentrated hatred of
     -ivory towers
     -smug superiority
     -turf war politics
     -those who need to inflict misery on others

It will continue to catch
Until it finally dissolves
Of its own accord. and with time.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Where do we do we go from here...?

Well I am almost a month out from losing my job, and in retrospect, I think it's probably the best things that could have happened to me. It gave me the gift of time... room to breathe, room to be, room to stop, time to spend with Mark as he arrived and began his adjustment...  so I hope that was good for him.

There is so much that I don't miss about that horrible place... the stress, the hours, the attitudes of certain people, the meanness, talking to people endlessly about salmonella, the feeling that I never knew what I was doing.

I guess there was a reason why it all happened... at least I like to believe that. True or not, it is comforting and helps me make sense of such an awful time.

I also need to pull some positives out of it. I got to the Pacific northwest. I got 2 new friends. I am closer to some old friends. I have processed a lot of old stuff. I'm not in Missouri anymore. I have other new friends. I'm getting to try out school nursing.

Then there is the gratitude. I have the support of so many friends around the world. my husband is here with me... and the kitties are too. I have enough money. People have been kind. I like it here. I am happier than I've been in a long time and excited about life and the possibilities that lie ahead.

I can't say that I'm not angry or hurt by what happened, but I'm choosing carefully how much I dwell on those emotions. I was ill-used by King County, but it's over. Honestly though, thinking about the county, seeing the logo, etc puts a really bad taste in my mouth. It's going to take a long time to get away from that feeling.  I honestly hope that those who follow have it better than I did.

I am both excited and nervous about the school nursing gig that starts on Monday. I think it will be a refreshing departure from what I've been doing so long.  It will also stretch me and reawaken some dormant nursing skills.  I honestly kind of glad that I took the temp gig instead of a permanent one for now.  It's also nice and close to home.  I will cover about 3 schools.  I have that job until June and then I will be going to Ft Knox KY for my summer Army training and then it will be time to find a new job.  

Just kind of letting the journey unfold.